
Fresno DUI FAQ

Is jail mandatory for all offenders?

Every convicted offender for any type of crime faces potential jail time.  However, if this is your first offense, you probably won’t spend much if any at all time in jail.  But if you have previous DUI convictions, you are definitely looking at some length of jail time.  Contact our Fresno DUI attorney to learn more about what is likely to happen in your case.

Will my driver’s license be suspended?

Any arrest for DUI will result in at least a temporary license suspension.  Even if your criminal case is dropped, the DMV can still suspend your license. You have 10 calendar days to contact the DMV following your arrest to request a hearing; the failure to do so will resulting an automatic suspension.

How can I have my license reinstated? 

You must satisfy all court penalties, including paying your fines and finishing DUI school.  You may then become eligible for a restricted license.

I was arrested at the scene of a DUI accident, what now?

You will likely face at least one felony charge, especially if anyone was injured or killed.  Contact the Fresno DUI attorney immediately.

What happens to offenders with previous DUI convictions?

You will face heavy penalties. Contact our Fresno DUI attorney to learn more about what is likely to happen in your case.

Do I really need to an attorney?

You can handle your case yourself, but only a Fresno DUI lawyer can guarantee the best outcome possible for your situation.  Our Fresno DUI lawyer represents clients in both the court and at the DMV. Contact us today to  learn more about our services.